Some of the most common foods in the world even you eat often turned out to be dangerous for you . Surprisingly either toxic or not , these dangerous foods popular enough for certain parts of the world and some were also often encountered in Indonesia. Here are the 10 most dangerous foods in the world.


Many of you must feel strange to see the food that is very often heard is listed in one of the most dangerous food in the world. According to a study turned out sausages between bread or popularnya Hot Dog This indeed is one of the harmful foods which in some cases can be fatal when given to children.

A study from the American Academy of Pediactrics found that as many as 17 % of food that can lead to suffocation or strangulation caused by hot dogs and most victims are children under the age of 10 years.


Typically these beans used in chocolate food mixes, and quite popular used as a light snack . But who would have thought that turned out to contain toxic cashews in it. This bladder can be found on raw cashew nuts.

Therefore, usually to remove the poison it cashew nuts will be boiled in a relatively long time. Toxins contained in cashews can cause allergic reactions in the skin and although small amounts are usually less harmful to the body, but in large amounts can be fatal.

3. Elderberries 

The fruit including hearts prayer One group berry singer has poison cyanide Related WITH THE Where can be found the leaves , stalk , as well as seeds . As cyanide is a prayer One World deadly poison fence Then of fruit Just as prayer Singer Also SIGN A FOOD fence Dangerous in the World . Singer fruit usually used hearts Treatment IN wounds in the skin.

More , Much consumed in Erop , ripe berry That can only be consumed Operate Safely. If Andari singer consume berries when ripe yet so can be cause diarrhea and vomiting - vomiting.

4. Casu Marzu 

One of the most disgusting food in the world and is also a dangerous food . Casu marzu a food such as cheese are allowed to fly infestation . The flies will then lay their eggs on the surface of the cheese to be maggots then live by eating cheese cause what we know as fermentation . Legally, this food has been banned in Europe but still can be found in relatively small quantities. 

The reason why these foods can be very dangerous is because if you eat maggots contained in this cheese , the condition can lead to fatal hole in your body's organs . The maggots can jump as high as 15 cm , so it is advisable to wear a blindfold or maggots will jump into your eyes.

5. African Bullfrog 

Either for reasons of disgust , or ridiculous , not a few people who consider frog meat unfit for diamakn . But unlike the case in South Africa , becoming one of their frogs are quite famous . Usually mating frogs that have been used as a grain . And among the frog - Katka No one frog into a special dish , none other than the African frog Bullfrog. 

African Bullfrog own adult touted frogs are not poisonous , but while it is still young frog then he is very dangerous . Is not known for certain what exactly is causing these frogs dangerous for dikonsumi , some assume that it has the poison but some also say that it is because the bacteria in frogs proficiency level . But whatever it is , it is not uncommon to those who consume poisoned and affected by kidney failure .

6. Blood Clams 

The mussels blood is one food that can be found in Mexico , the Atlantic and the Pacific . The food is also popular in China where it was included in one of the food was delicious . Usually the food is served by steaming. Dangerous of these shells is the content of bacteria and viruses. This shell has a bacterial hepatitis A, typhoid and dysentery.

 If you want to consume mussels blood so it is better to ask the location of the origin of this blood clams . It is because most of the mussels blood from Chinese waters contain bacteria Hepatitis , which is a medical condition in which there is inflammation of the liver .

7. Cassava 

is one of the popular foods that are used as food for the diet . Cassava is usually cooked into a light snack such as cakes . Not only that juices are made from Cassava is also very well known in Africa with fermentation named Piwarry. 

When presented you have to cook it properly because when consumed raw Cassava mengadung an enzyme known as linamarase and toxins known as linamarin . Linamarase itself when consumed will change linamarin be a deadly poison cyanide is , yes one more meal with the results of one of the world's deadliest poisons.

8. Fruit Acke 

It is not so well known in Indonesia because it is a fruit that originated in Africa and then planted in Jamaica. Jamaica is known for its fruit usually consumed raw or in traditional cuisine. 

Dangerous of this fruit is because he mengadung a toxin called toxic hypoglycin. Toxins of this fruit can result in vomiting, coma and even death. All of it can happen if Ackee fruit is eaten while he was not yet ripe.

9. Live Octopus 

Some of you must have heard one of these extreme food , either in the form of video or just hear it . Popular South Korea country with Sannakji name, usually you are required to eat raw octopus directly right when he was alive.

If so is the case then make sure you chew this octopus correctly because if you are forced to swallow the octopus is alive , it does not need to be further discussed again it was very dangerous . The octopus tentacles will be stuck in your throat , causing difficulty in breathing and fatal death .

1. Fugu Fish 

If the fish are usually known by the name of Pufferfish , then in Japan this fish has another name, namely Fugu and the fish is one of the most poisonous animal in the world . The reason is this fish mengadung deadly toxin tetrodotoxin which is located on the internal organs and the heart.

 Which may serve it well is not just anyone . In Japan only chef who trained for many tahunlah who have a certificate to present this fish.

 Usually the chef will leave little toxicity of these fish to provide sensation when enjoyed it . If you are interested to enjoy the taste of the fish Fugu, came to the western part of Japan , namely Shimonoseki . There you can enjoy a dish of fried fish fugu , sashimi , or steamed but always pasitkan that the chef is presenting is a certified chef .


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